Sing to the Lord, all the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day.
1 Chronicles 16:23
10:30am Sunday Service of Worship
As Christians, it is our joy and calling to worship God with our whole lives; at Middlesettlements, our worship service helps us do just that.
In remembrance of that first Easter Sunday when our Risen Lord appeared to his disciples, we join together every Sunday morning to praise, proclaim, celebrate, listen and respond to God. Our service includes teaching, prayers, scripture readings, giving, confessions of faith, receiving the sacraments, and music featuring organ, guitar, piano, keyboard, praise team, and choir.
You can read a bulletin from a recent 10:30 am service here.
Nursery care is offered for all of our worship services. For more information about worship and children at Middlesettlements, click here.
6:30pm Sunday Service of Worship
Begun at the request of MorningView Village residents, MUMC offers worship at MorningView Village Senior Community every Sunday evening at 6:30pm. This service includes teaching, prayers, scripture readings, giving, monthly communion, and congregational hymns.
You can read a bulletin from a recent 6:30pm service here.
At Middlesettlements UMC, all people who love Christ, earnestly repent of their sin, and seek to be at peace with God and neighbor are invited to the Lord's table. Prior to receiving communion, we invite you to search your heart, confess your sins, repent, and pursue reconciliation with all people.